
2011 Tools [Bible Read Thru Plan]

Although I didn't complete this last year, I LOVED this Bible Read-thru plan and will be doing it again this year. Thanks, Paige!

Some things I love about it are:
  • Each month only has 25 reading days, so if you miss a day, you automatically have "catch-up days." Amazing.
  • You're in the gospels ALL year. Talk about getting to know Jesus a little better.
  • For some reason it's that type of reading plan that really make me want to read ahead, which is a good thing!

PS: Comment if you want me to email the PDF to you!

1 comment:

  1. i LOVED this read-thru plan and will be using it again this year. i agree, it really makes you want to read ahead - in fact, i was so far ahead when penelope was born, that even though i took...ahem...seven months off from reading on a daily basis, i'm still on track to finish in a year (january 13th). so really, you could maybe even complete it TWICE as long as you don't have a newborn around! :)

    by the way, had no idea this blog existed until just a couple days ago. :)
