
she doesn't look down upon


over 26 years ago, when my mom was preparing for her first child [i can assure you my mom is still 29, so you can stop trying to calculate her age] she took many roads less traveled.

and while my mom is known for her adorable and seemingly ditzy "what does that mean?" questions, you would probably underestimate how well-researched she is on the decisions she made. what are some of those decisions, you ask? to name a few, she chose to birth naturally at home, not to immunize her children, and home-school later on. all of these choices were definitely not common 26 years ago, though they are slightly more mainstream now.

i want to talk about my mom's experiences in all of those things, but before that, i want to share with you one of my all-time favorite things about my wonderful mother: she is the easiest person to talk to. ever.

now, this may not seem like a big deal, but when i choose something unconventional, i can become a monster. all i want to do is prove that my way is best, and that really, everyone should do what i'm doing. does this happen to you? we get up on our pedestal, preach to anyone who will listen, even if they didn't ask. sometimes, we indirectly ruin relationships. we become those people that no one wants to approach, because everyone already knows where we stand on these controversial issues. frankly, it's ugly. i know first-hand.

so this is the biggest reason why my mom is so amazing. ever since i can remember, she's always had women approaching her with questions or concerns and almost always, they walk away encouraged. that's right, encouraged, not depressed, not judged, not feeling like they've done everything wrong, not feeling like they have to change anything. it's amazing!

this is ultimately what i want to be when i grow up. the best way i can describe her in this way is humbly wise, and simply sweet. she's attracts people to her.


  1. Anonymous3/09/2011

    I love your mother :)

  2. Your mom sounds amazing! I love reading your blog and learning a little more about you :)
