
we've had a good run, netflix


well, i thought i'd step up on the proverbial soapbox and give my piece about the topic you've undoubtedly heard something about: netflix is raising their prices.

as i'm writing this, i wonder if it's even blog-worthy, but hey, i'm not one to hold back.

the price increase came at a great time for us. we loved netflix instant streaming for watching older television series' such as x-files. we loved getting not-good-enough-to-see-in-theatre new releases delivered right to our mailbox. and we thought the price was fair for how much we used it.

for myself more than bryan, i haven't watched something that i actually wanted to see on netflix instant for a few months now. i just watched disney channel shows on netflix because they were there, not because i woke up those many days and thought, i really want to see what happens to teddy on "good luck, charlie."

bryan enjoyed a lot of the crazy misunderstood movies that netflix offers. but even he was complacent to netflix when i proposed we cancel.

we cancelled out netflix subscription as a result of the price increases, but more as an effort to simplify our lives. while we really enjoyed having such convenient tv & movies for a year and a half, we decided we'll be better off with it.

thank you family video, for staying in business these past few years. i know it's been rough, but you're about to get a lot more business from us!

1 comment:

  1. We are Netflikers too. However we have an instant queue full of shows that are exactly what Craig likes to watch. I'm the one with time to watch, but there's nothing on there I want to watch! We're going to switch to instant streaming only and if we decide we want to watch a newer movie we would have gotten on DVD by mail, we'll just use Redbox.
