It only took a few days for them to get back to us with their offer of financial aid. We, of course, qualified for a million dollars of student loans and such, but that's not really the exciting part...
Estimated cost of Tuition and Fees for the 2010-2011 School year:
UI Transfer Scholarship:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??! Yep, God did that. I couldn't believe it myself so I told Bryan to call the Office of Student Financial Aid to make sure it was actually free money that we just got for being awesome. They verified that it would just be credited to out U-Bill and we were all set!
Is it just me, or does God want us in Iowa City or what?!?!?
To Him be the glory! Can't wait to see how he uses us!
WOW!! That's awesome!!! Praise God for taking care of the details.