
Our Christmas Letter & Picture

For those of you that didn't get our christmas letter in the mail, I thought I'd post this for you to enjoy. I try really, really hard to write a witty, clever and often sarcastic letter every year so that our friends and family have something to look forward to. This one is my favorite so far. While it is heavily cloaked in a narrative about Bryan and I evidentially becoming hipsters, it actually tells the reader quite a bit about our daily life. 

If you click on this picture, I believe you should be able to read the full-size version. 

With the letter, I included one of two pictures. The first of the two pictures below is for the people in our life who may have appreciated a silly letter, but a silly picture on top of that? Well, that may have been too much to handle. This group is mostly make up of extended family, the ones who may be able to endure my sillyness in the letter, but they still wanted to have a normal picture of us to hang on their fridge.

This is Bryan and I at Jeremiah and Layla's wedding in September. This is the dress that I referenced in the letter. Aren't we the cutest?!

The following picture is the one we sent to most of our special friends who we thought could handle a little extra dose of over-the-top comedy.

This is Bryan and I next to my tree sweater in downtown Iowa City. We're wearing oversized plastic rimmed glasses (not the ones we normally wear), skinny jeans and ugly christmas sweaters. Also, the picture was instagrammed before final production.  

So, which picture did you get?


  1. Yay! We made the special friend cut! Great job on the letter too, I really want to do a letter next year, do you freelance Christmas letter writing? ;)

  2. haha... i love you two.
    proud to be a special friend.
