
june tuition update

well, bryan quit his summer job. haha. so much for him working as much as possible to boost our savings.

normally, i'd be stressing about how we're actually going to pay cash for the rest of his college tuition. but God is good and He is with us. fareway wasn't giving bryan more than 20 or so hours, so it was a little worthless anyway. for the record, he is looking for a new one. : )

bryan was also able to be very involved in the adoleo (formally anthem) recordings that have been taking place in des moines over the last three weeks. he absolutely loved being there everyday and to fully enjoy the recording experience. he was working fulltime during the last two albums he's recorded so he literally just recorded his bass parts and left. on this album he laid down all of the bass tracks obviously, but also used his skills on the tenor sax and banjo. he even recording some gang vocals, which i personally think is hilarious. i love my husband and he has tons of musical talent, but he can't sing to save his life.

so there was a little adoleo update for you. i'm so excited for you all to hear this upcoming album, it's really really good!

meanwhile, i worked a lot of hours in june. between the coffee shop and my work at home job, i traveled to ames once a week to train my replacement. a lot of hours means a lot of money. but it mostly went to the cost of convenience. you couldn't force me to eat any more pizza if you tried.

in the end we still banked some money towards that ever-present tuition fund. here's our update!

tuition for 2011-2012 school year: $9,654.00
savings at the end of june: $3,161.66
difference: $6,492.34
percentage saved: 32.75%
percentage left to save: 67.25%

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